What I am grateful for this Christmas.

Hello Lovelies I hope you are well!

I am finally off work (woohoo) and am absolutely making the most of it not setting an alarm! In reflection it has been a fab first term at work and the kids have been amazing they have made so much already I am super excited for next term.

Today I am going to briefly chat about some of the things I am grateful for this Christmas. For example as all the children where sat on Thursday have their Christmas party food, I realised how lucky I am to have such an amazing, creative and lovely bunch of kids in my class. They are hilarious, inspiring and surprising every day!

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Spending time with loved ones is something that I really look forward to in the holiday season. Michael and I both work long hours and it can sometimes feel like we are ships passing in the night so for me I love that we can spend whole days together chilling and visiting lots of coffee shops.

Christmas time is a time of giving to others and I have this year tried to make more of an effort to give to others. I am so grateful to no have to want for anything at Christmas and so I have donated to the foodbank, have a bag of charity shop clothes ready and made sure that any Christmas cards I gave were charity cards.

Michael and I have worked hard over our ten years to build our home and I am so happy that we have a safe space to relax, enjoy each others company and eventually build a family together.

Lizzie Florence Plus Size OutfitLizzie Florence Plus Size OutfitLizzie Florence Plus Size Outfit


Skirt  Next – was £40.00 now £12.00  (similar here)

Boots New Look – £20.00 (similar here)

Trench Coat Dorothy Perkins – £25.00 (similar here)


Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you have a fabulous time no matter what you are doing! Love ya!

Lizie Florence Signiture




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