The Fiancé Tag

Hello Lovelies, I hope you are well!

So you may have seen on my social media and mentioned in my last blog post. I got Engaged! On Christmas day Michael got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. (obviously I said yes) and It has honestly made my time off this Christmas so special! So day I thought I would do a boyfriend/fiancé tag and answer some questions about Michael and I. Michael will have a bit of an input in this as well. (much to his annoyance) but hey ho.

Q1: Where and when did we first meet?

Michael: I have no idea…

Lizzie: It was at school I think but I have no idea what specific point.

Q2: Where was our first date?

Lizzie: We went for Mexican food. We were friends for years before we actually  got together but our official first date was a meal out.

Michael: We went to cinema didn’t we? I don’t know what to see.

Lizzie: Yes I think we did but I haven’t a clue what we saw.

Q3: When did you meet my family?

Lizzie: You met mine before we where together, when we were friends and used to hang out. I met Michaels a little after we got together.

Q4: Who said I love you first?

Lizzie: I have absolutely no idea and I am fairly sure Michael doesn’t know either. That’s probably something we should know but never mind.

Q5: How long have we been together?

Lizzie: It will be 10 years in February. Our anniversary is the  10th of February, it was 2010 (which feels like ages ago!

Q7: What was our first trip?

Lizzie: Our first trip was to see the band Kiss live in Sheffield, I guess that’s not a traditional first trip.

Q8: What was our last trip?

Michael: We went to Whitby for a weekend away, it was for a comic-con to get an autograph of Julian Glover from Star Wars.

Q9: Annoying habit for each other

Michael: Asking questions right now when I am trying to watch the football.

Lizzie: He can be ridiculously sarcastic at times and he thinks its hilarious, don’t get me wrong he is a really funny guy… when I’m in the mood for his sarcasm.

Q10: What is your partners strength?

Lizzie: He is really clever, and always approaches things with a level head. And he always makes me feel better when I’m stressed with work stuff.

Michael: You are caring and loving, and you always make me laugh when I need cheering up.

Q11: How long have you lived together?

Lizzie: We bought our house 5 years ago, which feels insane because it has flown by.




So there we go, that is our little fiancé tag. If you want to use the questions feel free and let me know if you do!

Lizie Florence Signiture

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