When to spot my Work Life Balance needs adjusting.

Hello Lovelies,

It’s been a hot minute since my last post but I’ve been feeling the urge to write so here I am. It’s been a somewhat rocky start to the year to be completely honest. We had some no so great news regarding the investigation into what went wrong during my hospital stay which sent me into a bit of a tailspin to be fair. The last couple of days I have felt myself going deeper and deeper into that black hole and noticing things that I am doing that are not great for my Mental Health.

So today I thought I would share some of these things and even if it just helps one person feel not so alone then that’s a bonus but to be honest I just needed to get my thoughts down.

Stress Rashes

This is a complete new one for me and usually my skin is no bother at all (if anything I never have to think about it) but the last week my face and scalp have become covered in a very sore stress rash. When I was told it was a stress rash I was shocked “no it can’t be… I mean I’m stressed but am I really that overwhelmed?” But then reality hit and it suddenly all made sense, of course it was. It is this that really made me decide to write this post in the first place to be honest.

Sleeping A Lot

Now this isn’t a case of going to bed early; this is me literally crashing. (almost always on the sofa) Recently it has been pretty much every night. This is me doing work from home to the point that the minute I shut my laptop I fall asleep on the sofa. Michael will try and wake me up and then at about midnight I go upstairs to bed having already broken my sleep pattern. I am openly trying to set and stick to a bedtime through my work week.

Where’s the Snacks?

It is no secret that I am an emotional eater, and mix that with my weird sleeping patterns, that means I am hungry at random moments and you know damn well I am going to pick the unhealthy stuff right? I mean who wouldn’t. I am not saying that anyone who eats snacks has poor mental health at all, what I am saying is that I know it absolutely a sign for me that I am not in a good head space. We are all different.

It’s Called Retail Therapy for a reason Right?

This is one I previously hadn’t understood the reason for but I think I am getting to the bottom of it. I find myself online shopping when I feel like I haven’t done enough with my free time. If I’m spending evenings or weekend days doing lots of work, if I go and buy a few things online then at least I’ve got ‘something’ to show out of my day right? It isn’t every time I shop online but I think there is a definite link to my workload and free time balance.

So What’s Next?

So I have identified that I am on my slippery slope now what? Well I am still working on it to be honest. I think I am using this post as my bookmark in my mind and maybe some sort of stepping point. I had my work laptop and my blogging laptop sat on the coffee table and out of the two I could have picked up I picked this one and wrote this post so I guess that’s my first step isn’t it?

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Dress: George Asda – (buy here) Boots: Dr Martens – (similar here) Jumper: Asos – ÂŁ12.00 (similar here) Hat: H&M (similar here) Tights: Snag Tights (buy here)

Lizzie Florence

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