A love letter to my body.

Dear Body,

I know we’ve not always been the best of friends and I have spent a lot of my life resenting the way you look & feel; and how I have treat you in the past. I know that we are in a much better place and everyday I learn to love you more and more.

I Regret

I regret the times I’ve chosen an outfit that covers our lumps and bumps over the one we really wanted to wear. I regret the times I’ve bought the baggy oversized tops to hide our tummy. I regret the times I haven’t gone swimming or to the beach cause god forbid we wore a swimsuit and felt comfortable in our own skin.

I’m Sorry

I’m sorry for all the times I have starved you of what you needed in the hopes of a *loss that week*. I’m sorry for the times that I didn’t drink water for 24 hours to guarantee the scales said what I thought would make me happy. I’m sorry for the parties we missed and the desserts we didn’t eat.

Thank You:

Thank you for getting me through one of the hardest moments in my life. For growing my little cocoon as long as you could and for being strong when we needed to let our little one go. Thank you for healing and showing me that we can recover.

I Promise:

I promise to love you know matter what. I promise to wear the shorts, dress, skirt or whatever it is that makes us happy no matter what other people think. I promise to go swimming, sunbathing, cycling and whatever else we want to do without worrying what others with think or say.

Not forgetting you:

Mind; we’ve had a rough time lately haven’t we? We are doing so well and loss is something we wont get over but are learning to live with. Thank you for learning to know when we need a brain break.

I think its hard sometimes to not be so judgmental on ourselves. We live in a world were what social media is a hive of the perception of perfectness; perfect homes, perfect bodies, perfect jobs, relationships. If I have x, y and z then I will be happy. If I get to a size blah blah then I will be happy. We have one life, one go round and lets not spend a chunk of the hating ourselves or comparing ourselves shall we??

Write a letter to your self. Love yourself and have a fabulous rest of your weekend.

Shorts: Asos £16.00 (buy here) | Shirt: Originally M&S via Charity Shop |

Bag: Charity Shop | Top: Asda [old stock] | Sandals: Dr Martens (similar here)

Lizzie Florence

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